Thursday, July 28, 2011

Caitlin is 27!

Yesterday was Caitlin's 27th birthday!
Caitlin is married to Brian, and they have three cute kids: Cadence, Ross and Bode.
They all currently live in Moab in a cute house which she has decorated so well. She is the family's favorite cook, and can make something out of nothing for a large crowd a.k.a, The Ballard Family!
On top of everything this gal does, she is planning on taking over her Mom's business.

Caitlin is such patient and loving mother. Whether its making creative Halloween costumes for her kids, entertaining/catering for family events or doing hair and makeup for all the girls, she always does an amazing job!
This family just would not be the same with out her.
We love you!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wendy Turned 34!

Wendy turned 34 on July 21st!
Wendy is the eldest of the 10 Ballard kids. She is the mother of Kaylee and Matty Wilson and works as the Study Coordinator/Nurse of the University of Utah Faint and Fall Clinic.
Wendy has recently been accepted into the LPN to RN program, and hopes to start in a couple of weeks.
Wendy is an excellent student with a GPA of 3.8. She is a wonderful mom, sister and friend, not to mention a great academic example. Be it rain or shine, NOTHING can hold this lady back!
Wendy loves to ski, play tennis,golf and cook yummy food! We are all a huge fan of her Cafe Rio dinner!
Thank you, Wendy, for all you contribute to this family. We love you!

Friday, July 22, 2011

River Rafting Trip!!

Last weekend we headed down to Moab for some river rafting, birthday celebrating, camping, hiking and fun in the sun! Pictures aren't in order, but here they are! We have such cute family and friends!!